Quick Start

·        Double click on the Eagle3d Icon

·        The Settings dialog box comes up.  The program defaults to a windowed display.  If you wish to have it run in Fullscreen then select the desired setting. For more information on this box click here.

·        Almost all settings have something to do with speed vs. quality.  More detailed landscape, shadow, or rock settings will reduce frame rates.  The trick is to find a comfortable compromise for your computer / video card combination. 

·        Select a mission and scenario.  If this is an unregistered version you are defaulted to Apollo 11 basic flight scenario.

·        Once you are happy with the various startup settings then click 'Continue'.  The program begins with a little intro screen that you can cut short by hitting the space bar if you wish.  

·        Start flying by pressing "F5".  Depending on the scenario you may be in a long flight (P64) or a short flight (P66). 

o       Short flight (P66):  If you have been flying in P64 this program is started at about 450'  If you started a short flight scenario (like the default Apollo 11 one) then you are starting at about 400'.  If coming from P64 then you MUST switch the PGNS to Manual (Shift+G) in order to take over manual flight.   Look for a landing spot somewhere ahead and maneuver the LM toward it as smoothly as possible.  Once you have reached 100' altitude you should have no horizontal speed.  Use the X-pointer display to help null your rates along with the FDAI ball. You can select high or low gain on the X-pointer by clicking on the switch or pressing "H".  Lower yourself gently to the ground and keep your descent rate about 3-4fps and no horizontal rate at all.  The dust will start kicking up and you might have trouble making out the ground so rely a bit on your instruments.

o       Long flight (P64):  P64 refers to the computer program that drives the autopilot.  You are defaulted to fully automated flight and if you did nothing the LM would continue to the next program P66, null the horizontal rates, and land automatically.  While in P64 you can move the stick to redesignate the programmed landing site.  Moving the stick out of detent and back causes the redesignation.  Left/right movement changes the landing site by 2 degrees or so.  Forward/ Backward changes by about .5 degrees.  The 'ruler' on the window is the LPD or Landing Point Designator.  The DSKY display will tell you the current LPD angle and you can find the landing spot by looking for it opposite of the LPD number.

·        During the flight (when you get a chance) you can investigate other views.  Keys 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 normally control different views.  When in spot view (7,8) and you can use the POV hat on the joystick or the A,W,D,X,S keys to move around the ship.  S defaults you to the rear looking forward.  Q and E keys move you away or toward the LM.

·        F1 brings up one of several help screens.  This will show you key/switch assignments.

·        The Contact Light will pop on at about 6' and at that point you can cut your engine using the K key.

·        Congratulations!  You just landed and now you just need to work on the score.....