EL3D has a number of working switches that control various functions.
This bank of switches is located in the bottom control panel
just above the DSKY.
Dead Band
This is a two position switch:
Max for less precision
Min for more precision
Roll, Yaw and Pitch Mode Controls
These are three position switches
Up position for PGNS automatic operation
Pulse to operate in 'free' mode. Deflection of the controller fires the jet continuously.
Off No operation
This bank of switches is located just underneath the FDAI
Rate Scale
This is a two position switch:
25deg/sec This is the maximum pitch, roll, or yaw rate that will be commanded near full controller deflection
5 deg/sec. A slower maximum pitch, roll, and yaw rate.
Throttle Control
This is a two position switch:
Automatic PGNS controls the throttle and the ROD switch selects descent rate.
Manual The throttle is controlled manually with the TTCA.